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据我们所知道,当前 Hattrick 的健康状态如下







... 如果您发现其他问题,请举报


5-19-2024 Missing Prize and Promotion money

Teams across Hattrick has not received their league prize money and promotion bonuses as expected today. We are well aware of this and will work to solve this issue as soon as possible. It may very well not be until Monday that the issue is properly solved, but rest assured, the money will come.

5-17-2024 Changes regarding weather updates and match times in some countries

From the next season on, the weather for the day after will not be a forecast that may or may not change, but it will show the actual weather with total certainty. This will help users set the lineup one day prior to the match knowing 100% sure what the weather will be.

Besides this, in some countries we've also changed one weather update that was too close in time to some National Team matches, in order to avoid an unlikely (but possible) situation in which a delay in the weather update could make a NT match be played with the weather of the day before. The affected countries are Liechtenstein and Finland (on Mondays), and Switzerland, Paraguay, Bolivia and Ecuador (on Fridays).

Due to several reasons, we've also had to move the match times of most of the countries on the American continent - Brazil, Panama, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia, Belize, USA, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and Argentina. After gathering feedback and votes from the local communities, we rearranged the match times from the next season onwards in the affected countries by trying to cause the least inconvenience to the local users.

League matches
Brasil: Mon 0:00 -> Sun 23:55
Panama: Mon 0:15 -> Sun 22:10
Uruguay: Mon 0:30 --> Sun 22:30
Peru: Mon 0:45 --> Sun 22:50
Colombia: Mon 0:50 --> Sun 23:40
Belize: Mon 0:55 --> Sun 21:45
USA: Mon 1:00 --> Sun 23:20
Guatemala: Mon 1:10 --> Sun 23:50
Honduras: Mon 1:15 --> Sun 21:55
El Salvador: Mon 1:45 --> Sun 21:50
Mexico: Sun 17:30 -- Sun 02:00

Cup/Friendly matches:
Brasil: Thu 0:00 -> Wed 23:55
Panama: Thu 0:15 -> Wed 22:10
Uruguay: Thu 0:30 -> Wed 22:30
Peru: Thu 2:15 -> Wed 22:50
Colombia: Thu 0:50 -> Wed 23:40
Belize: Thu 1:20 -> Wed 21:45
USA: Thu 1:00 -> Wed 23:20
Guatemala: Thu 1:10 -> Wed 23:50
Honduras: Thu 1:15 -> Wed 21:55
El Salvador: Thu 1:45 -> Wed 21:50
Argentina: Thu 1:30 -> Wed 23:10
Argentina (friendlies): Thu 3:00 -> Wed 22:20
Mexico: Thu 2:00 -> Wed 2:30

Weather updates
Liechtenstein: Mon 19:59 -> Mon 18:59
Suomi: Mon 20:00 -> Mon 19:00
Switzerland: Fri 19:30 -> Fri 18:50
Paraguay: Fri 23:15 -> Sat 02:35
Bolivia: Fri 22:45 -> Sat 02:40
Ecuador: Fri 23:45 -> Sat 02:45

5-15-2024 Guinea, Homegrown League, new league expansions and Club 200

The new league, Guinea, is now open and ready to welcome all the users that want to open a team there. And as to the Homegrown League, all teams and series have now been created, and there are only a few slots left for more teams.

Along with this, we want to announce that three existing leagues will expand next week, adding a fourth division to each. Those leagues are Belize, RD Congo and Botswana. These expansions will make room in the leagues both for more local users and for new additional teams, just in case you have been waiting for your chance to join.

In addition to that, we want to inform you about the rebranding of one of the new achievements after receiving feedback from several users. The "Goal-Getter" achievement has been renamed as "Club 200" and the top 2 ranks have been reduced to 150 and 200 goals.

5-14-2024 Last chance for Homegrown League

The Homegrown League will open tomorrow morning, and the size of it has now been set to 5 divisions only. This means that slots will be limited, and as we write this, around 200 are left.

If you have not yet done it, you still have the chance to pre-register and secure a team.

If you have been hoping to open up two teams in the Homegrown League, you will only be able to attempt this once the first round of pre-registered teams has been created. Perhaps there will be a small window of opportunity for this tomorrow morning.

The same goes for managers that hope to register a team in Homegrown League originating from our new country, Guinea. Guinea will only be created after the Homegrown League has opened, which means you will need to wait until after all pre-registered teams have been created. The risk of not getting a space at all in Homegrown League will be high if you aim for this.

There will be no mid-week friendlies in the Homegrown League this first week. This means that the first training update, on Friday morning, will have some negative impact on background form and stamina. But this will be the same for all your competitors. We wanted to avoid some teams being lucky enough to book a friendly in the first week while others missed out.

3-18-2024 关于周日的停机事件

Hattrick 在周日下午欧洲中部时间约 15:30 左右停机,一直持续到整个晚上。停机原因是数据库服务器的磁盘发生故障,这本身并不是个严重的问题,但后续的软件效果导致操作系统自发重启。当系统最终恢复后,我们必须先进行各种维护和修复的操作,以确保所有数据完整且安全,才能将网站上线。

当网站恢复上线后,首先是所有在停机时间内到期、和之后马上就会到期的转会交易,都获得顺延 24 小时,然后才重新启动游戏引擎。这样一来,游戏引擎才可以在夜里运行,争取跟上原来的日程表,确保大多数的比赛更新和原定的更新,在周一早上按日程表进行。




3-5-2024 三月五日编码发布说明

• 更改首次拜访 Hattrick 网站,或是使用新的设备或浏览器拜访网站时所看到的首页。用户不会马上就看到登录框,而是只有成为焦点的注册按钮。用户请点击“您是否已有账号?”,就会看到登录框。

如果您如大部分访客那般,还是使用以前用过的浏览器(内含合适的 cookie)拜访 Hattrick 网站,您看到的一起都如往常那般。大多数人都不会察觉到这个小小变动,但对于新到来的访客来说,登陆页面会更清晰和实用。

• 对杯赛的“预览或前瞻”——显示您于下一轮可能碰上的潜在对手——进行修正,现在就算当前杯赛轮次才刚结束,您也可以看到结果。

• 已经重新加上此前“失踪”的青年联赛历史积分榜的链接。

3-3-2024 比赛反击的问题


2-17-2024 二月十五日编码发布说明


• 在赛季间歇期把最新的一个赛季加入旧联赛积分榜页面
• 修正青年比赛指示页面上,一个显示青年球员技能的问题,这问题只出现在火狐浏览器
• 删除了青年比赛报告上的时间线事件,因为其所显示的数据不对
• 修正新联赛事件中的球员位置的翻译问题。


1-28-2024 聊天室出现问题


1-23-2024 扩张联赛

今天,我们宣布把塔希提岛和圭亚那纳入下赛季的 Hattrick 的联赛系统中。



1-16-2024 单场比赛改名为“决斗”

您可能已经注意到,网站上的“单场比赛”已经改为“决斗” 。其实有许多语言版本早就使用“决斗”这一词了,现在我们正式决定在英文版和一些其他语言版本采用“决斗”。这个变动是我们即将对核心游戏以外的所有比赛类型(锦标赛、梯级擂台赛、联赛之战等等),进行更大的改造而做的准备,并将于下周发布。


1-11-2024 以 Facebook 来登录出现问题

以 Facebook 来登录似乎出现一些问题,我们与 Facebook 正积极合作,以求早日解决问题。


如果以上所描述的无法操作,请联系“GDPR 和个人隐私工作人员”,他们会帮助您再度登录您的账号。请点击我们网站的底端“隐私权”链接,之后左边的菜单选择联系,就可以看到我们的联系表格。

1-10-2024 已经解决比赛的问题


12-19-2023 商店问题已解决

今早我们修复了昨晚商店发生的问题,也就是无法购买正在进行促销中的银、金和钻石级别 HT 支持者配套。如果您曾是其中一名受影响的用户,现在可以到商店购物享受优惠了。

我们也修复了另一个问题,就是于今早 10:10 和 12:03 之间购买金和钻石级别的支持者配套,并选择了 12+3 个月的订单。这些受影响的订单将会在接下来几个小时内处理,您很快就可以看到额外的 3 个月支持者出现在您的账户中(以及送给另一名用户的礼物)。您无须就此事联系 HT 商店。

12-18-2023 HT 商店的问题

我们知晓当前 HT 商店,在选择付款方式后,处理付款请求时出现问题。如果您受此影响,别担心,我们将会尽快进行修复。

如果您受此影响,无须就此事发送消息告知我们。我们将会在解决问题后,在此发布新的消息公告天下。现在您可以安心上床休息,因为明天 HT 商店依然还有优惠!


12-7-2023 聊天室通知出现问题

当前有个问题,导致您可能收到相关 Hattrick 大师赛决赛的聊天室通知,我们正在处理问题中。

11-21-2023 十一月廿一日编码发布说明


• 目前,您将会于预定转会进行前 24 小时收到秘书的消息通知,当球员挂牌后,会收到另一次的通知。

• 一旦到点可以呼叫球探时出现的徽章,将在您访问该页面后被隐藏,一直到下一次财政更新后才会再次出现。


11-10-2023 青训学院更新

现在到 HT 时间 11 月 17 日 23 点 59 分,您可以离开当前所属的青年联赛,然后再参加新的联赛。加入新联赛时,上一场比赛和下一场比赛必须有 7 天的间隔期,这规则保持不变。此外,您可以用名人堂的球员为球探网络的球探。希望您会喜欢这次的更新!

11-7-2023 改善经理消息


10-16-2023 新赛季伊始的温馨提醒

欢迎大家进入新的 Hattrick 赛季!当广大经理正准备第一轮的联赛时,我们温馨提醒您,之前宣布的两项变动已经生效。



相关详情,请阅读今年六月廿七日发布的“我的 HT”公告。


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